Rules and Conditions

If you want to use this website, you have to agree to these rules and conditions


You have to be at least 18 years old or even older, if your jurisdiction say so.

It is strictly forbidden to publish photos or other material regarding children or minors. It is also forbidden to publish material about Necrophilia, Zoophilia or other illegal material. 
To publish photos with other individuals require the permission of these individuals. 

You have to play tasks and sessions always in a safe and responsible way.

You are only allowed to upload pictures and other graphic content where you have the legal rights for. While uploading graphic content you grant SUB GUIDE the non-exclusive lifetime license to use it. 

You may block task preferences in your profile which are not legal in your jurisdiction or you just don't like.

You are not allowed to publish personal details like e-mail, website, phone number or address on this platform. 

Even if you allow other users to view your profile or to contact you, you have to behave responsible. No matter if you are submissive or dominant. 

You are not allowed to register more then one account at SUB GUIDE. If you got blocked by SUB GUIDE, you are not allowed to newly register. A block is a lifetime ban from this platform. 

Users, who do not behave responsible or violate one or more of these rules, may be blocked and suspended from this platform. The final decision is made only by SUB GUIDE. You have no right to appeal against this decisions. If you got banned you have no right to get a refund of already paid member fees. 

Registrations shall be made only with e-mail addresses you are using on a regular base. All communication between SUB GUIDE and you is made only by e-mail. 

You are not allowed to try to manipulate this system, missuse it or to use it for professional services, except you got a written permission from SUB GUIDE.